Monday, September 1, 2014

Aug. 28 - It's only 20 minutes away

Thursday -  Aug. 28
Ask anyone in Montana how far it is to a location and you will get: 'it's only 20 minutes away.'  I am thinking their 20 minutes is way different than my 20 minutes.
We drove to Hamilton which is one town over and bought a few things at the grocery store.  Well okay okay it was because I wanted the car washed.  It 'was' squeaky clean but wait, I forgot to mention my son lives on a dirt road, so now under the dust it was squeaky clean.  At least the bugs are gone from the front.
Most all the towns on 93 are on both sides of the road and the road runs thru two mountain ranges.  This area is known as the Bitterroot Valley and on one side is the Bitterroot Mountains which is part of the Rocky Mountains and on the other side of the road is the Saphire Mountains.  It is beyond beautiful.
My son and Peggy have just moved into yet another foreclosure house about three weeks ago.  They are going to rehab it and I imagine when they are finished it will be really nice.  It is nestled in among a forest of ponderosa pines and one would never know it was there from the road.  Along the back of the property runs a rather fast rippling creek.  It's not wide but I love to listen to the sounds of the rushing waters go by.  Each home site in this association is ten acres in size and cannot be divided.  Beside their house they have two huge garages, I mean like three stall garages, and they also have a cabin that is a rental.  In fact they already have it rented, nope it's not to us, but to a young couple.  
The most recent foreclosure house
The rental cabin
The last rehab they did was on the market 12 hours before it sold. I guess it was a real challenge inside and out.  they put new windows and siding on it and it really does look nice.
This morning when we looked outside two deer were munching on leaves very close to our window.  They did not seem to mind at all that we were watching.
'Look I have a green apple'
'Yikes that apple is about to choke me'
And one thing I was totally surprised about is that turkeys fly and land in the trees.  Honest I actually saw them do that.  It was dark out so all I got was their shadow. 
This turkey flew into this tree
Another day ends.

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