Thursday, September 4, 2014

Sept. 2 - On the Road / Sept. 3

Sept. 2 -Tuesday / Sept. 3 Wednesday
We pulled out of my sons home around 7am to a chilly 41 degrees and headed north on 93.  We drove past Missoula and continued on past I 90 and low and behold we stayed on 93 driving past Flathead lake. 
Flathead Lake
Oh no we are in Kalispell!!!
Historic Kalispell 
We ended our driving a short time later as we had called friends Joe and Kay and they were going to be home.  I did manage to get a pic of their condo but not of them.
Love the floor plan of this condo
Back yard guest
Joe and Kay feed a bunch of deer and this one actually seemed to pose for me.
We chatted up a storm, went to dinner and then watched a really good movie based on a Lee Childs book.  Love those books. Nice relaxing day.
Early on Wed. like 7am again we hopped back onto 93 drove onto 28, 200, I 90, I-5 and before we knew it (525 miles later) we had arrived in Puyallup where Jim's son lives.  We had gained another hour which helps but now we will start to lose them as  this is as far west as we are going.  From now on it's south or east.
Driving on 28 it looked just ugly and I was wondering if we were in for some terrible weather but it never happened. 

Clouds were just ugly 
Driving thru Idaho (68 miles total) on I 90 it rained a good bit of the way but once we hit Washington it cleared up.  I did not realize how much farm land there is in the east side of Washington.
Try getting a shot like that going 75mph, well actually most all my shots are at 75 mph.
Covered bales of hay
Whole range of wind powered windmills

Shoqualmie Pass in Washington
The clouds were hanging very low over the mountains and they looked like ghost with fingers reaching down to grab you.
Of course as you drive along the landscaping changes to mountains and trees. 
There really wasn't much traffic most of the way until we hit I-5 and to me that was ugly as we were near Seattle.  We will be here until Sept. 7th when we start heading south.  We got settled into our motel and then went to see Jim's son John and family.
John and April's home
This is John-will get more pics hopefully tomorrow as I don't have one of April or Cameron.
This is Colin, he is in 2nd grade, and one of the most polite youngsters I've come across in a long while.
This is their youngest - Avery age 2
Very busy little girl

About as cute as they come. 
She already has attached herself to me.....and I couldn't be happier. 

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