Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sun Sept. 21 - Canyonlands - Island in the Sky

Mike Here
Left early this morning to head up to Moab, Utah to see the other part of Canyonlands National Park - Island in the Sky. On the way up we took a deadend road which followed the Colorado River for 16 miles through a huge canyon. The road ended at Potash at a big plant so we turned around.

A beautiful drive and we were able to check on several rock climbers as they started up a wall. Scary!

That was really the best part of the day as we got up to the Island in the Sky, the weather closed in and thunderstorms came in. We drove out to the end of the road at Grand View and the view was grand but cloudy and rainy. From there you could see both the Green and Colorado Rivers before they join together several miles south.

We tried a couple of overlooks but we ended up running for cover at the Visitor Center where we ate lunch in our cars.

The rain finally quit but as we looked back there was more coming so we decided to give up and head for Green River for the night. We have been very fortunate as this was our first bad weather day.  Hopefully tomorrow will be nice so we can spend the day at The Arches NP.

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