Thursday, September 4, 2014

August 31 - Death Valley??

August 31 - Death Valley
A tidbit of information I learned today (think this is a redneck thing) is that this area is also called Death Valley.  Are you ready for this .......It's because all the older Americans are coming here to retire.....and then they die.  According to my son most of the people are coming from California and they are buying huge places long before they retire and during that time they are bringing them up to speed.  We checked on housing prices and found them to be extremely high.  The thinking is that in California people are used to high prices and don't bat an eye if the price is high in Montana.
Jim doing what he loves best-reading
My son and Peggy are still in the repair mode with their foreclosure house getting all the issues resolved.  Because the rental is rented he also had to make sure that was up to speed.  I am so impressed with all the things he has learned to do.  Very handy and capable young man.  Makes a mom proud.
We took the kids to Missoula for dinner tonight in celebration of a very late birthday gift for Peggy.
These are everywhere in Montana
 We have also been to most of the Re-Stores and the Home Depot type of stores. 
New ladder being attached to their car.
                                             Those kids are bargain hunters.
It's hard to believe that tomorrow is the last day we will be here, where has the time gone.
I  could get used to this
My barn shot of the trip.  Love this one
Actually it was just around the corner from my son's house.

Max the pig was owned by George Clooney,  That's it for today.

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