Friday, September 5, 2014

Sept. 4 - Football Thursday

Thursday - Sept. 4
Did you ever just not do anything for a day, well today was that kind of day.  We both needed to veg.
If we drive a block we can see Mt. Rainier so I took a pic even tho it's a long way off.
Mt. Rainier from about 60 miles out
 Up close it is gigantic with lots of snow
We had lunch at Wendy's just down the road and wow have they improved.  We were met at the door by a gentleman who welcomed us.  We ordered and the salesperson was cheery and happy and chatted with us.  We walked to another area to pick up our food and the gal there said 'hello Jim' and got our order which was totally correct.  We sat at our table and another person came up and asked if we needed anything and she was even taking the trays away for you.  She told us this is the wave of the future and in time most of the Wendy's will be like this.  The place was packed. Great improvement.
We did go to see John and family and wouldn't you know it he had the football game on his 60 inch TV. (game started at 5:30pm here)   It was like we were almost on the field.   And even tho many of you are Green Bay fans when in Seattle you root for Seattle.  (ps:  I would have anyway) 
Have to tell you John/April had Avery with them when they went to lunch and Avery had a 'Wilson' (quarterback) Football shirt on.  A man next to her was watching so April said 'Avery, do your football cheer.'  Avery threw her arms up in the air and shouted Football.  I guess the man cracked up.
I know many of you have 'cute' grandkids but I tell you our Avery sets the bar even higher.  She is less than 30 inches tall and you should see her on her scooter.  I am going to see if I can post a video I took of her.  She has tremendous balance and goes like lightening.

Not the best video of Avery

I love the way she holds her leg up when she is resting
 I think she likes pink.
Jim is in his glory now because Avery now likes her grandpa.  He was laughing out loud when she was playing with him.  Some kids know only love and she is so much that kid.

Going to be hard to leave.   The two boys are spending then evening with their father tonight so Avery will be all ours......and of course her daddy as well.  John is such a good father not only to his step children but with Avery he seems to know what she wants before she even asks.  She is just starting to talk and when she says 'thank you' it is beyond cute.  You know those cheese sticks well she can open those too.  And sometimes I even struggle with them, not her.  I better quit.

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