Monday, September 8, 2014

Sept. 5, 6, 7 - Fri., Sat, Sun

Sept. 5, 6, 7
Friday we drove to  the Snoqualmie waterfall today which was approximately 45 miles away.   If you want to learn more about this waterfall click on this link:   It's actually pretty interesting so I recommend reading it.  Unfortunately we went in the morning and the sun was shinning right at us so my pics did not turn out well at all.

Sun was right in my eyes
 This was a really long waterfall even if it doesn't look it
In the late afternoon we went back to see the kids and enjoyed just a quiet, well really not so quiet evening.  Avery is now totally used to us and is all over us.  She has had a cold but let me tell you that does not slow her down at all.  I had forgotten just how much energy a two year old has.
 Avery - she has worn her shoe out dragging it to stop
John and family
left to right:  Colin, April, Cameron, John, Avery
Avery did manage to give me a special gift - a cold.  I feel miserable right now and hopefully by the time we meet up with Judy and Mike I will feel better.  Talk about sneezing that's about all I'm doing. 
Saturday We did watch our Michigan teams lose their games and then headed for our motel to get ready to hit the road again, well that is after having KFC for dinner.  I tell you this has been a do nothing couple of days.
Sunday   We left really early and was it ever foggy out.
Our scenery as we were leaving Washington
Mount Hood
 We did managed to do the scenic drive around Mount Hood.
Yuck I don't recommend it, as all it was was trees and more trees.  We did see Mt. Hood a few times but that's about all.  I had been to Mt. Hood before but Jim had not so I thought he might want to see it but after driving 'the scenic route' he said he could manage living without seeing it. 
This was such a cool bridge

 This is one of those bridges that lift in the middle
We have been on I-84 and are now in LaGrande, OR for the night.  Judy and Mike are now on their way to meet us in SLC.

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