Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thur. Sept. 25 - Out of Five I Would Give it a Two

Mary Here
Today we were up before the birds as we had to be at the Durango train station by 7:30am.  We also had to be up early to bid our traveling partners a sad farewell.  Mike and Judy left today to head east.  Judy has had another bout with kidney stones.   She has been very uncomfortable and it was decided that they should go home before things got even worst.  We feel like our right arm is missing now that they left. We have been in touch with them and they are almost to Judy's sisters in Nebraska where they will stop.

We had purchased tickets for the Durango-Silverton train ride which took us from Durango to Silverton, CO.  It was a 3.5 hour trip each way and I don't know what I was expecting, but it never happened.  The train was a steam powered thing that ran on coal and water.   We were in an open car and were totally covered with gritty black soot.  It was just ugly and colder than cold this morning as it was under 50 degrees when we pulled out.  I tried, I mean I really tried to take pics and I do have a few but most of the time all we saw were rocks or trees....  I mean they were almost scraping the cars they were so close.  I am sure if I put my arm out it would have touched the trees and rocks.  Think of yourself in a forest and that's where we were a lot of the time.  And to make matters worse all day long we were jerked from side to side and thrown back and forth.  I thought for sure I would be black and blue. 
We did stop in Silverton for a couple of hours and everywhere one looked was a tourist trap.  We had lunch and that was all.....and then we had to get back on that @%$&*# train and ride it back to Durango.  It has been a really long dirty day.  So here are a few pics. 
Train going around a mountain.  That track is 'really' close to the drop off.

This thing is the water tank for dumping water into the train

See that black soot it made a beeline for our car all day long

Once in a while the scenery was nice

Have clouds what could be better - don't ask.

This is really up high like 11,000 feet

The town of Silverton.  They only have one paved road all the other roads are dirt.  But on the up side there isn't any soot.

The town really was quaint and well cared for.  We were told once the train pulled out all the shops close down until the next train arrives. 

Yes on the train again back to rocks and trees

I thought 5:15pm would never get here but finally the train pulled into the station.  Jim and I were almost the first off and for sure the first out of the parking lot.  Yup it gets a 2 from me. 

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