Saturday, September 27, 2014

Friday, Sept. 25, 2014 - Garden of the Gods (Manitou Springs, CO)

Mary Here
We left Durango early this morning (6:45am) and traveled on highway 160 for approx. 200 miles then hoped onto I-25 and traveled another 100 miles arriving in Manitou Springs around 12:45pm.  Manitou Springs is right next to Colorado Springs and is a small quaint town.  After we checked into our motel we headed out to Garden of the Gods.  .
The praying hands is on the right

Named - Siamese Twins

Balance Rock

We were there many years ago and have found that it has changed quite a bit.  By that I mean what used to be two way traffic is now all one way traffic.  The trees have grown a lot and almost spoil the view of the beautiful sandstone formations.  But being the resourceful self I am, I did manage to snap a few pics of my favorite places and things. 
Mary the Climber

These all have names but I lost my visitor paper telling what everything was.

Jim taking it all in

This always looked like praying hands to me
I am beginning to think that once you have been to a place that just touched your heart it might be a good idea to not revisit it as it changes or maybe we change.  But the feeling is never quite the same
We went to the Iron Spring Chateau for a dinner/theater experience.  Dinner was excellent and really the show was too.
It was a slap stick kind of show but totally enjoyable.  It was one of those 'boo' for the villain 'yea' for the hero kind of thing.  We had gone many years ago and enjoyed it so wanted to try it again.  Got back late for us 10:00pm.
Sept. 26, Saturday-
Today we made the decision to head home.  We had planned to stop at the Rocky Mountain National Park but felt we were totally national parked out.  Another time for RMNP.  We drove approx. 675 miles today and have another 550 miles to travel to get home tomorrow.  I did not take one pic because if you have ever been in Nebraska or Iowa on Interstate 80 you know that there isn't anything to take a pic of.  There were lots of harvested fields but that was about it. 
I will do one more post after we arrive home.

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