Thursday, September 4, 2014

Sept. 1 - Lake Como

September 1 - Lake Como
Today Jim and I took off for part of the day, as Don and Peggy were busy, and drove to a wonderful spot called Lake Como which was a little south on 93.
Kayaking anyone
This spot is about 35 miles from my son's place
Close up of the jagged mountains and the snow
Beautiful spot
Lake Como is surrounded by mountains on three sides.  We walked a long way past the damn and drove a good bit of the way around it.  We thought the lake was really drying up but learned that is normal for this time of the year because when the snow melts from the mountains it is totally full.
The kids took us out for dinner and it was sad to know that the next day we would be on the road again and not with the kids.  Seems strange calling them kids but to me they are. 
After dinner we went for a walk down to the Bitterroot River to see where the 'kids' went kayaking during the summer.  While walking back I looked up and sitting in a tree was this huge owl.  But the camera person did not have her camera so you will just have to take my word for it.

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