Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sat. Sept. 20, 2014 - We've been Moo-ed

Mary Here
In the wilds where we are they have what is known as open range.  That means cows can go where ever they please, even on the road, and they can moo whenever they want, and they do.
Canyonlands National Park is fantastic.  I know I say that for every park but this one is totally 'fantastic.'  We hiked three trails today, The Roadside Ruin which took us to an ancestral Puebloan granary that is perhaps 700 years old. The Pothole Point was an uneven surface and it lead to pothole communities (when there is water) and a great view of the Needles.  The Cave Spring has us climbing two ladders that lead to a historic cowboy camp and prehistoric pictographs.  None were to difficult but proved to be exceptional and worth while. They do have hikes that take up to six hours.  We don't do those.
Mike hiking
Jim Hiking
Me hiking and taking the pics.
Jim climbing the ladder, I'm next.
This was at Cave Spring
We also did a trip on a dirt road that was exciting as some of the curves where blind curves.  This one took us to Elephant Hill.  Neat spot.  Car is beyond dirty.
One of the highlights in this park is The Needles and we were able to get a few good spots to view them.  By the time Mike's videos are processed, unfortunately a lot of the quality is gone, so we will just have to have him show them later.
It's always nice when picnic areas are in the park, as we take advantage of them.
We spent the entire day in the lower part of Canyonlands and totally enjoyed ourselves.
Sights were amazing
These rock formations were just everywhere
Church Rock - really is called that
This looks like it has scales on it.
We got to the point where the rocks were beginning to look like different things like animals or buildings, etc.  It might be we have been looking at way to many rocks.
On the way back to our motel we all stopped for groceries, Judy and Mike went on to have dinner by themselves and we did the same.  Nice wonderful day.  Tomorrow brings new and exciting adventure.  If you do visit any national parks be sure to stop in at the visitors center.  They have a host of information that will certainly enhance your time there.

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