Monday, September 1, 2014

Aug. 29/Aug. 30 Hiking in the Mountains/ Fair

Friday, August 29 and Saturday August, 30.
We have been a bit busy of late so I have been off the computer.  Will try to do a few days today.
Friday we headed to a place called Blodgett Creek Canyon to walk the trails.  The plan was to drive as close as possible to the trail head and then hike the rest of the way.  The rest of the way was a l.4 mile hike up the mountain range.  Try walking 1.4 miles always going up.
Boy are we out of shape
 About half way the park was kind enough to provide a bench to sit and rest.  We sat.  Of course my son, Don and  Peg were already at the top and on their way back. 
This is my son Don who is like a goat in the is Peggy.  This pic was taken elsewhere tho.
Fortunately they told us there was nothing to really see at the top so we stopped and just viewed the area.  The entire area around here is just so darn beautiful.
On Saturday we went to the Ravalli County Fair in Hamilton to check it out. 
Don and Peggy at the fair

We saw all kinds of animals and the pig I posted sold for $3.50 a pound and the 4-H gal was pleased beyond pleased.   Fairs are just nice places to visit and the food is always excellent.  We had an ice cream puff.  It was a cream puff shell, ice cream, chocolate syrup, whipped cream and a cherry.  A meal in itself.
The $3.50 Per Pound Pig
'So maybe I don't look so hot this early in the morning, I'm having a bad fur day.'
When Jim was about 16 he used a tractor exactly like this one to cut the grass along the highways.  It was his first 'big' paying job.

After the fair we decided to tour the Daly Mansion which has 25 bedrooms and 15 bathrooms.  Mr. Daley was in the horse breeding and racing business and did extremely well.  He died in 1900 and his wife built the mansion in 1910.  It sat empty for 40 years and now it is being restored but will take a few years to complete.  That building era must have been all about wall paper as every room had it on it. 
Perfect Ending to another perfect day 

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