Friday, September 19, 2014

Bryce the Incredible Canyon

Mary Here
Bryce Canyon NP is approx. 9,115 feet above sea level which makes it about 3,000 feet higher than Zion.  In viewing Bryce you are on top of the mountain ranges where as seeing Zion you are at the bottom. Being at the bottom walking around Zion gave one the feeling of being in and a part of the splendor. Walking around Bryce, because we were on top, we felt more like spectators. Bryce was fantastic to say the least.  It is believed that Bryce Canyon's formation began at the same time dinosaurs were becoming extinct. Bryce was not widely known until 1920 when the Union Pacific Railroad build a lodge in Bryce and started to advertise.
From one end of Bryce to the other is around 20 miles.  Bryce is 35,835 acres in size. The route thru Bryce is a paved road that goes thru a forest. We were surprised that so much of the forest burned in 2009 due to lightening.  The park had twelve suggested places to stop and those are really quite dynamic to view and they were 'Incredible.'
The weather was not at it's best early in the day so many of the pics did not turn out as well as hoped....and very few clouds.  I have posted a few so at least you will get some idea of what Bryce is all about.  The internet service is terrible here and I could not load the videos so will put them in when we get to an area where we have better service.  Sorry about that.
 Natural Bridge which is 85 feet long and 125 feet high.

Inspiration Point
Bryce Amphitheater
 Close up of the Amphitheater

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