Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Monday Sept. 22 - Arches National Park

Mary Here  
We woke up this morning after a night of thundershowers and lightening and found that it was still raining.  I thought for sure Arches would have to be scratched.  We were about 50 miles from there and a miracle happened, when we arrived it was as nice as could be and there was even clouds.  They did have a lot of rain and in fact the dirt road to Delicate Arch was closed because of the water.  So we did not get to see that but we did see lots of arches and lots of 'rocks.'
The Arches park lies on top of an underground salt bed that is responsible for the arches, spires, balanced rocks, sandstone fins, and eroded monoliths. The trip from the Visitors Center is rather tricky because it is all winding roads that go up about 5,000 feet high.  Once on the top it is just beyond words.  You will just have to go and see for yourself.
We did all the stops and ran into way to many people and no parking to speak of.  Most of the time we had to wait for a spot but in the end it was worth it.  We did have to eat lunch in the car because there were no tables to be had.  Place was like a zoo.  Can't tell you how many tour buses and RV's were there. 

Landmarks on the Landscape
From this vantage point you can see most things that are within the boundaries of the Arches

The Three Gossips - Did you notice they all look like men

Sand Dune Arch - Trail was only .3 miles round trip

Broken Arch - Trail was l.3 miles round trip

Skyline Arch - Trail is .4 mile round trip

Jim said these look like faces

Fiery Furnace is a maze-like labyrinth of narrow sandstone canyons.

Balance Rock - Trail is .3 mile round trip to get to the base of this picturesque rock formation

North Window - In addition to the North Window there is a South Window and a Turret Arch.  Amazing!

Double Arch is a .5 mile round trip that leads to the base of two giant arch spans which are joined at one end.

One of many rock formations.

Lizard - Snake - I told you we were in 'rock' overload.
Once we left Arches we saw this as we traveled on highway 128 east.  It took us along the Colorado River which was beautiful with all the mountains and 'rocks.'
We are now in Fruita, CO which is about 35 miles east of Utah.  We celebrated by having dinner at Rib City last night.  It was excellent.
NOTE:  We talked to many people who were from the same states at you and not one of them knew any of you.  I mean they were even from the same town. 

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