Thursday, August 28, 2014

August 26 - North Unit of TRNP

After an enjoyable evening at the Medora Musical....well, maybe I overstated enjoyable.  It was unbelievably cold (46) and windy so even with our winter jackets on we were chilled to the bone.  Hello it's August not December.  And believe it or not our tickets were wrong again, but we did end up sitting in a much better viewing area.    Remember the group Chicago Boyz who did an acrobatic routine, they were there and had just an outstanding performance.  I've posted just a few pics.
The gal in the middle was the star of the show.
The Chicago Boyz were fantastic
Our mission today was to view the north unit of TRNP and that is exactly what we did.  But what we did not know was that the guard shack where you show your senior pass had 'upsized' because it was manned by this huge buffalo who was just munching grass by the TRNP sign.
The Buffalo Guard
 I would not have gone into that shack either if it meant walking pass that buffalo.  Our travels took us on a fourteen mile treck thru the park but we were detained again as another buffalo was standing in the roadway and we waited and waited for it to move. 
This one was in no hurry to move
Once it finally did we were on our way and managed to spot some big horned sheep.  Those horns were huge. 
This was taken a long way off
What a difference to have sun and clouds with no rain even if it was only 43 in the morning.  Turned out to be a much warmer day. The following pics are of the north unit.  Not a lot of people take the time to visit it because it is a 50 mile drive to just get to it.  Well worth the drive.
Around noon we left North Dakota and spent a few hours visiting with my niece, Deb, who lives in a small town called Circle, MT.  I have not seen my niece in a long while and can you believe I did not even think of taking a pic.  They are in the process of rehabbing their home and it is going to be gorgeous.  Very modern and sleek. 
Now Circle is 45 miles away from everything, I mean everything, no cell phones no nothing not even traffic.  So when we were leaving, Deb told us about a quicker way to get back to I-94 so we took it.  What Jim did not tell me was that the fuel was running low.  I mean low!! We arrived at a fuel station with a little under 40 miles left.  And who knew if that fuel thing was accurate.  The road we were on had nothing, it was like we were the first humans to be on that road.  No cars, no cell service, no homes- nothing.  I bet at night it's really spooky out there.  I had made my mind up that if we did run out of fuel there was no way Jim was leaving me to man the car.
We are now in Miles City, MT for the night.  Our plan, well our plan seems to change daily but we do plan to stop in Bozeman tomorrow to visit yet another niece for a few hours and then eventually get to my sons home in Victor, MT.  Real perk now is not having to deal with all those tanker trucks dealing with the oil business.  It certainly uglies up an area. 

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