Monday, August 25, 2014

August 25th - Teddy Roosevelt National Park:

(Note:)  If you click on one picture all of them will show up on the bottom of your screen so you can view them that way.  Easy

Well today was just ugly.   We woke up to rain and the worst looking sky I've seen in a long while.  It actually was dark and gloomy most of the day and my pics are pitiful because of it.  I did manage to get a few that were not totally black so I've posted those.
See what I mean about bad weather 
Ok who is this and what are they advertising
My Barn shot of the day
For those who don't know, I love old barns
 We did tour the South Unit of TRNP and even tho it was raining part of the day the park was just beautiful. 
Even with the heavy cloud cover the landscaping was drop dead gorgeous.
This was almost white in color

Do you see sky...almost
Saw lots and lots of buffalo.
Was singing "Oh give me a home where the buffalo roam"
 This was taken on the Wind Canyon Trail 
Was wondering if snakes lived in those holes in the rocks but didn't check.
Also saw lots of these Prairie Dogs just a diggin in their holes
Tonight as I said we are schedule to attend the Medora Musical and yes we have our winter coats going with us as it's still very cold.
 We are touring the North unit tomorrow and hopefully the weather will be a bit nicer. Either way we will be leaving North Dakota in the afternoon. 
I did want to mention that yesterday as we were driving from South Haven, MN to here the scenery was indescribably beautiful.  We passed field after field of corn and the corn tassels were totally bronze in color making the fields appear to have a bronze haze.  I've never seen anything like it, but sadly in just a few short weeks the corn stalks will turn from a deep green to an ugly brown and their life will come to an end. 
Along with the corn I saw just acres and acres of those gorgeous yellow sun flower plants.  Even with the wind blowing, those beautiful yellow flowers held their heads up facing the sun ever so high just reaching for it.  Those too will in no time be spent with their then brown heads hanging in despair with their leaves drooping with all life gone. 
One thing I did notice was that the fields of golden wheat were not yet harvested and I believe it is because of the tremendous rains this part of the country has gotten.  The wind and rain actually had in many spots laid the wheat on the ground.  I am sure it will be difficult to harvest those crops.
Another issue that is very noticeable is the number of tanker trucks and oil trucks in this part of the country.  Prices are much higher than I remember and it's more than likely because of the oil industry that is drilling here.  Does not make for beautiful landscapes.  Will keep blogging....

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