Monday, August 25, 2014

August 18, 2014 - To August 24, 2014

Aug. 18th - Monday
The day finally came for us to start our next travel adventure.  I will try posting as often as possible but since the first half of this trip will be to see our two sons and some good friends it might not be too often.  We left around eight am and managed to spend almost twelve dollars going thru tolls in Illinois before we arrived at Osseo, WI. 
My Barn Shot of the Day
Aug. 19th - 23th  (Tuesday-Saturday)
We left Osseo, WI and arrived in MN in the Prior Lake area which is near the twin cities.  We stopped to see friends Len and Linda A. which was nice  as we haven't seen them since leaving Florida. 
Then in the car and off to South Haven, MN to spend time with good friends Keith and Sandy and Jerry and Lori.  We spent a good bit of time playing cards, going on a number of boat rides and having picnic lunches most every day.
Keith and Sandy's Beach House
Beach Scene Just Beautiful
Keith and Sandy
Lori and Jerry

Around four each day we had our gathering time in which I finally found a drink I really liked.  I have the recipe for this so I plan on making it.  On Friday we went north to Longville, MN to see our good friend Barb for the night.  She also lives on a lake (Mule Lake) so the views were fantastic  We ended our stay Saturday night by Sandy and I beating the men at Hand and Foot which ended a ten game losing streak for Sandy.  Perfect ending for a perfect week.

Aug. 24th (Sunday)
Since we had 510 miles to travel we left fairly early for Medora, ND.  We had forgotten that we would gain an hour so actually arrived around 2:30pm.  The weather just is not co-operating as it rained a good bit of the way and it is colder than cold.  Try 54 degrees, incredibly windy and it's expected to drop to 42 tonight. Grrr.
My pitiful Barn Shot of the Day
Arriving in North Dakota
Birds in Flight Sculpture
North Dakota's Painted Canyon Area
Big day tomorrow as the first national park that we will visit will be The Theodore Roosevelt National Park which is nestled in and around a cute little town called Medora which is at the upper middle west end of North Dakota.   Tomorrow after our national park visit we have tickets for the Medora Musical which is suppose to be fantastic.  For some reason when we went to pick our tickets up they had changed our date to Sept. 5th and actually moved our seat location.  We were not able to get the seats we ordered but are very close, even so it made me mad.  Hope it is not raining tomorrow so I  can post a few pictures along the way.  That's it for now.

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